Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wind power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Wind power - Essay Example I selected wind energy as my topic as it is a renewable source which has no harmful results. It is safe for the environment and the people also. I will explain in the project about global warming. Then i will explain green house effect and carbon dioxide effect. Then will come the turn to explain wind energy and its benefits. The advantages it has to the environment. It is a non-renewable source of energy. It is formed when dead plants and animals are buried in the earth for millions of years. There are many types which exist in this world. They are burned to give energy. Over 86% of our needs today are met because of burning of fossil fuel.2 Now days, global warming is a very big issue being discussed everywhere. It is defined as the average increase in earth’s temperature. This increase causes a change in the world climate which is not desired. A hotter earth can lead to natural disasters like rainfalls, melting if the snow and increase in sea level. It also has a huge impact on the plants animals living in this world and also the humans. The biggest problem is that nobody notices the change in temperature but in future the change will be very harmful.3 Coming to the fact about green house gases. What is this? The earth is surrounded by various gasses which are holded by the gravitational pull. Other than nitrogen and oxygen there are some other gasses in the atmosphere also. These gases have traces made up of Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, Methane, Hydrogen, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone. The human activities result in emission of four principal greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons. All these gasses have GWP (Global Warming Potential).4 The radiation of the sun passes through the atmosphere; are absorbed by the green house gasses and in turn increase the temperature of the earth surface and lower atmosphere. It has now been understood

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